

   INTRODUCTION OF NEURALINK neuralink  is device will be surgically implanted in your brain to study the electric signals in the brain. this will be help in various medical problem. HOW IT WORK? your brain is compose nearly one hundred billion cells called neurons. neuron comes in many complex shapes but generally they have dentritic arbor, a cell body & axon. the neurons of your brain connects to form a large network through axon dentrile junction called synapses. at this connection points neurons communicate each other using chemical signals called neurotransmitter. neurotransmitter are release from the end of the axon in responce to electric spike called an action potential. when a cell recieve enough of the right kind of a neurotransmitter input a chain reaction is triggred they cause an action potential to file and neuron to intern relay message to its own dawn stream synapses. action potential produce electrical field that spread from neuron and can  be detected by placing e